For the week of March 16:
Daily Mass Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday.
Wednesday: 11a Mass at the Warde Center. All are welcome.
Confession: Monday & Friday after Mass

Celebrating 60 years
as Windham’s Catholic community.

United and strengthened by the Eucharist, we are a Catholic community centered in Jesus Christ.
Together, we live anew the Gospel.

Icon of St. Matthew by George and Sergio Pinecross, © 1999.

  • New Hampshire Catholic Appeal

    Make your gift to support the Church’s work throughout the state.

  • our ministries

    Explore the opportunities to grow in your faith at St Matthew!

  • Walking with Purpose

    Register now for the upcoming session!

  • Family Faith Formation

    Online registration is open!

  • little ones learn

    Register online for the year!

  • our weekly bulletin

  • read our blog

    for news, features, & more

Mass Times

weekdays 8:30a

(Divine Mercy Chaplet: 7:30a; Rosary: 7:45a)

Saturday Vigil 4p

Sunday 7:30a, 9:30a, 11:30a, 6p


Monday after daily Mass

Thursday 6:30-7:30p

Saturday 2:30-3:30p


Thursday 6-7:30p

Adoration Chapel is always available.

Join our Parish

We are glad you are here! If you would like
to register with St. Matthew Parish,
please complete the parish registration form.

A Family of Faith

The vision for A Family of Faith is that children learn the joys of following Jesus Christ and the truths of their faith through the witness of Christian life given by their parents.

Effective and lasting faith formation must be anchored in family life. Countless studies have shown that parental engagement with the child is the single most effective way to develop young people into disciples of Christ. But here is the great news! You don't have to do it alone! The program will encourage, support, and equip parents in the role of forming their children.

A Family of Faith replaces traditional Catholic catechesis.



St. Matthew Church, 2 Searles Rd, Windham, NH 03087-1298

