Msgr Anthony’s farewell letter to the parish
Dear Saint Matthew Family,
Last week’s announcement of my impending transfer to Washington in July brings very mixed emotions. I am so deeply grateful to God that I have had this time to walk with you in the ways of the Lord. Yet, there is great sadness in leaving. I told you when I first arrived that, “although I don’t know you, I already love you!” Now, I can say with all my heart that, “I know you, and I love you even more!”
I wish I could tell you more about my new assignment, but I really don’t know much about it myself. Here is a brief description of my new ministry that I found on the website of the
Archdiocese for Military Services:
The Vicar General-Moderator of the Curia of the Archdiocese is responsible for the coordinaon of the Archdiocesan staff in the provision of services, information and guidance to the clergy and faithful of this global archdiocese.
My new post is effective July 1, 2023, and I will most likely leave for Washington at some point before that date. In the meantime, as I said in my announcement over the weekend, we have a lot of work to do! This is your parish. We’ve begun some very good work together that must continue. Most importantly, the capital campaign to raise the funds needed to repair the HVAC system in the church and the re-surfacing of the parking lot are essential projects. We must take care of our parish in all of its dimensions—the spiritual, the physical and the financial. I hope that in my brief time as your pastor, I have been able to contribute to this three-fold stewardship of our parish family.
We have begun to post in the bulletin and on the website the progress of our goal of $500,000 to fund these two projects. It will take everyone’s participation, no matter how great or small. Everyone can do something! This parish is known for breaking the mold when it comes to parish life. Let’s do so when it comes to the 80/20 percent statistic in most organizations, which sadly reports that 80 percent of the organization/parish life and sustenance is provided by only 20 percent of the parishioners. Let’s do better that this! If
you have not yet made a sacrificial gift or pledge, please, please consider doing so.
Know that I hold you all in my heart with profound gra#tude. Let’s savor the time we have left together.
Yours in the Risen Lord,
Monsignor Anthony