Holy Land Pilgrimage: Updates from the Road

Our parish’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Land is underway! As they travel and pray throughout Christendom’s holiest sites, our pilgrims will be sending daily updates, all of which will be shared here. Please keep them in your prayers, as they pray for us.

13 October 2023

As of Friday night, all of the pilgrims had returned home. We give thanks to God for their pilgrimage and safe travel throughout their time in the Holy Land.

11 October 2023

Our final day began at the Jordan River, the site of Jesus' Baptism. Right across the river is Israel, but their side was closed. The area has a number of churches, including a Greek Orthodox Church you'll see in the photos. The bones are of the monk who built the church hundreds of years ago.

We visited a mosaic workshop and watched the work in progress. This workshop in a project funded by Queen Noor to employ handicapped workers.

Our last visit was to Mount Nebo, where Moses saw the Promised Land before he died. The modern church there, run by the Franciscans, includes large sections of preserved mosaic work found at the site.

It has been a privilege to be on Pilgrimage, and we hope to share our experiences and the joy of our faith with everyone when we return.

As of now, the majority of our group are on a flight from Amman to JFK leaving tomorrow at noon. The remainder will leave tomorrow at midnight and fly to Qatar then to Boston. Much love to all for your support and prayers for peace for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East.

10 October 2023

We left Jerusalem early this morning and traveled north to the Jordanian border. The border was packed with busses trying to cross, and it took us about 5 hours to make it through. No pictures are allowed at the border.

Thanks be to God for our guide, Iyad, and Brother Paul! We have been in good hands during this Pilgrimage.

During our drive into Jordan, we saw a variety of terrain and a magnificent vista of the Jordan Valley. We finally stopped for lunch at dinner time and ate two meals in one.

Your tired, bedraggled pilgrims are safe and sound in the hotel. Thank you for the many prayers, we continue to pray for our families, our parish family, and for peace.

9 October 2023

We are still safe in Jerusalem for now and are praying for peace.

We walked the Way of the Cross to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where you can touch a stone from Golgotha and touch an anointing stone over where Jesus' body was prepared for burial. No pictures are allowed in the area of the tomb, but you'll see pictures from the Greek Orthodox, Catholic, and Armenian parts of this magnificent church, currently under renovation.

Walking around we could see the Mount of Olives and the Kidron Valley. We saw the Zion Gate and entered the Dormition Abbey, one of the traditional sites of Mary's empty tomb.

The pilgrims took the many written intentions of the parishioners and placed each one in the Western Wall as we prayed.

8 October 2023

Passing through the wilderness between Tiberias and Jerusalem, we pictured where John the Baptist ate locusts and honey. A friendly (?) camel greeted us at a rest stop, where we ate fresh dates. In Jerusalem, we saw a cemetery overlooking the city. Visitors place a rock on top of the grave stone. At the end time, the stones will speak of the visitor.

Our first stop included an excavated first-century tomb and a church at a spot where tradition says Jesus wept over Jerusalem. We celebrated Mass there, praying for peace. Notice the backdrop of the altar is an overview of Jerusalem.

Our final stop was the olive grove Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus often rested and prayed (where the Agony took place before His arrest) and the Church of All Nations. The sanctuary contains the rock where it is believed Jesus wept. We were allowed to touch the rock and pray beside it.

We continue to be blessed in every way on this Pilgrimage and are safely in our hotel. Jerusalem is quiet. Many thanks for all the prayers; we are surrounded by the love and support of our parish family!

7 October 2023

Many thanks for all the prayers sent our way! After a beautiful sunrise on the Sea of Galilee, we went to the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes. Outside, we saw an ancient olive press and cross-shaped Baptismal font. Inside the church was a simple altar over the site believed to be where Jesus was.

We traveled north to Banias, also called Paneas, which later became known as Caesarea Philipi. The spring there is one of the sources of the Jordan River. Ruins here include evidence of a pagan temple to the god Pan and a Roman temple. According to Christian tradition, this was where Peter stated that Jesus was the Messiah and Jesus declared Peter the "rock upon which I will build my church."

After our tour we returned to the Mount of the Beatitudes Guest House for a quiet afternoon and Mass. Our Mass was for all the names we collected from the parish, and we celebrated the outdoor Mass at the altar of St. Matthew, naturally!

We are praying for all our loved ones in the peaceful atmosphere of our current surroundings, a retreat house run by Franciscan Sisters.

6 October 2023

The pilgrims are a hot, sweaty, and tired bunch tonight! We began the day at Tabgha, the sight on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, where resurrected Jesus appeared to the apostles and confirmed the primacy of Peter.

After standing in the Sea, we took a boat ride while listening to the Gospels. Next, we visited the archeological site of first-century Migdal, which included ruins of a synagogue, shops, homes, and a port. The modern chapel there included an altar in the shape of a boat with a backdrop of the Sea of Galilee.

The next stop was Capernaum, Peter's hometown, and site of a fourth-century synagogue built on remains of the synagogue of Jesus's time. Mass there was in a very modern church built directly over the ruins of Peter's house covered in glass under the center of the church. We had quiet time by the Sea of Galilee and ended our day at the beautiful Mount of Beatitudes Guest House. Each day has been such a blessing!

5 October 2023

The morning began with Mass in Nazareth at the Basilica of the Annunciation. The Basilica is built atop a cave where it is believed that the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and the Word became flesh.

From there we walked to Nazareth's town well. Until recently, this well had been actuve since the time of Jesus. The Greek Orthodox believe the site of the well is where the Anunciation took place and built a church there.

Mount Precipice was our next stop. The Mount is where the Jews from Nazareth tried to throw Jesus off a cliff (see Luke 4:16-30). From there, we could see Mount Tabor, the mountain of the Transfiguration, and Syria in the distance.

Syria was considered unclean, and so traveling there was not kosher. Jesus defied convention and went there anyway, where he met the woman at the well.

We also drove to Mount Tabor to the Church of the Transfiguration.

Finally, we traveled to Cana and walked to the Wedding Church for a Renewal of Vows. You'll see a photo of a huge jar similar to what was used at Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine.

We had precious time for prayer today, and we are holding our parish family close.

4 October 2023

We're safely in our hotel in Nazareth after a LONG day of travel! From the airport in Tel Aviv, we went to Joppa, mentioned in Acts, to see a church dedicated to St. Peter and the Port there on the dazzling Mediterranean Sea. Joppa is where it is believed that Jonah set sail to escape having to go to Ninevah. A long but beautiful, warm day. We give thanks for safe travel (and the return of a passport left behind on the plane) and for all those praying for us. Much love to our parish family!


Christmas Mass Schedule


The Solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary