Reflection on Interning at St Matthew

As our summer intern, Kathryn Williams, returns to her studies at Saint Anselm College, she wrote some thoughts on her work here.

As a Saint Matthew intern for the second summer in a row, I have had the opportunity to work with youth ministry, communications, and music ministry. In every conversation I had, air hockey game played, and song sang, I found myself growing closer to Christ and seeing His presence in those around me.

I am very thankful for the amazing people who I have met this summer through all of the youth ministry events, especially the Car Wash for Connor. By writing articles for the parish blog and Windham Independent, I have been able to get to know members of our community and share their remarkable stories. Since 2019 I have been singing at Mass with the talented Steve Caruso, and that continues to be one of the greatest experiences I am blessed to have each week. Thank you to Msgr. Anthony and Sandy Gibbons, and truly to all in the Saint Matthew community, for their unwavering support this summer. I will miss our parish dearly but am looking forward to serving the Saint Anselm community this semester, and I’ll be back at St. Matt’s very soon!

We are incredibly grateful for Kathryn’s continuing dedication to and efforts in evangelizing the vibrant Catholic life and work at Saint Matthew. The next couple blog posts will feature articles written by her about two Saint Matthew parishioners for the Windham Independent News. Coming soon!

Kathryn Williams, summer intern at Saint Matthew Catholic Church in Windham, NH

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