adult continuing formation
We grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer, and study. Our Adult Continuing Formation sessions involve all of these ways to grow so that we can be inflamed through God’s Word and experience what the two disciples on the road to Emmaus said, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the Scriptures” (Luke 24:32).
Adult Continuing Formation offers the option of day or evening Bible study sessions. Past Bible studies included: Biblical Walk Through the Mass, Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible, Romans, No Greater Love, Lectio Prayer, Lectio Mary, and Wisdom: God's Vision for Life.
Visit this page to register for our current adult Bible study.
Initiation into the Catholic Church (RCIA)
St. Matthew invites adults and children (aged 7 years and older) who are unbaptized to learn about Jesus Christ and His Church through a process known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA. This journey of faith helps prepare adults for full initiation in the Catholic Church through the celebration of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion. Children (aged 7 years and older) can also prepare for full initiation through an adapted process. At the center of this process is one’s relationship with Jesus. In coming to know and love Jesus, the catechumen is also incorporated into His Body, the parish family. Preparation includes an individualized plan of worship, study, prayer, and service.
If you are interested in learning more about initiation into the Catholic Church, please call Sandy at the office (603.893.3336).
little ones learn
Just for parents and their little ones (0-5 yrs), Little Ones Learn gathers once per month to play and pray. We learn about God through stories, music, crafts, and activities designed for our youngest disciples. It's messy and it's fun, as we celebrate the love of God with each other.
See the Little Ones Learn page for more information.
family faith formation
The Family Faith Formation program encourages and equips families to live and teach their children the Catholic Faith at home.
With one Adult Session and one Community/Family Session each month, this program improves upon CCD and will give parents all the knowledge and tools needed to raise their children in the faith. Studies have shown that parental engagement with children is the single most effective way to develop young people into disciples of Christ. Family-based models are fundamental to developing a faith life that is lived out in the family and in a community. For this reason, the Catholic Church is moving toward these models.
For more information, visit our Family Faith Formation page.
walking with purpose
Walking with Purpose is an interactive women’s Catholic Bible study. Join us as we encounter Jesus Christ through Scripture and come to understand His radically loving plan for our lives. We use world-class Bible studies and share our faith through lively and joy-filled small group sessions. Walking with Purpose meets from September through March.
This year’s program is Fearless and Free. Meetings are held in St Matthew’s Parish Center on Tuesday evenings 7-8:30p and Wednesday mornings 9:30-11a (childcare is available).
To learn more and to watch a short video about WWP, visit Visit this page to register. For more information, call Justine at the office (603.893.3336).
BLAZE is the Walking with Purpose ministry for girls in grades 6-9. The mission of BLAZE is to use Scripture to speak truth into the hearts of young girls who are bombarded by lies about their true worth and beauty.
Girls in their tween/teen years are filled with questions. They have doubts, they desire clarification, and they want to share their thoughts in a space that will allow them to make their relationship with God meaningful.
In each session, participants will be led through an ice breaker activity, worship & praise music, and a short lesson based on a lie found in the world and a truth found in Scripture.
Visit this page to register. For more information, call Justine at the office (603.893.3336).
end-of-life concerns
Medical decisions at the end of our earthly live can be fraught with cultural, moral, and spiritual confusion. We are currently working to develop materials to aid ailing and dying Catholic patients and their families during an emotionally challenging time.