
Q & A on the Mass, Part II
Ask our pastor, Fr. Mike, about anything regarding the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Q & A on the Mass, Part I
Ask our pastor, Fr. Mike, about anything regarding the Liturgy of the Word.

St. Matthew Parish Lenten Mission
Join St. Matthew Parish as we host Fr. Roger J. Landry, who will present the Lenten conference: Eucharistic Help for a Holy Lent: The Eucharistic Revival and Jesus’ Call to Pray, Fast and Give Alms.

Q & A with Fr. Mike: All Things Catholic
Ask our pastor, Fr. Mike, about anything Catholic!

Learn about St Matthew Parish’s many programs and ministries this weekend after every Mass!

Made for More
An evening of visual beauty, live music, and reflection that will open your senses to the secret of God revealed in all of creation.

Stained Glass Window Tours
Parishioner Cathy Girata will lead three separate tours to explore and discuss St Matthew Church’s stained glass windows on Sunday, March 19.

Caravaggio Lecture Series: The Inspiration of Saint Matthew
The second lecture of a three-part series discussing Caravaggio’s paintings of the life of Saint Matthew the Evangelist.

Caravaggio Lecture Series: The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew
The third and final lecture discussing Caravaggio’s paintings of the life of Saint Matthew the Evangelist.

The Joy of Fasting
Join us for a lecture about the physical and spiritual benefits of fasting.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Information Session
Interested in joining Msgr Anthony and St Matthew Parish on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land? Attend this informational session.

Importance of Christian Burial Rites
Monsignor Anthony Frontiero, STD, presents the second of a two-part series concerning Death: The Final Act of Faith. Part two is entitled, “Importance of Christian Burial Rites”.

Caravaggio Lecture Series: The Calling of Saint Matthew
The first lecture of a three-part series discussing Caravaggio’s paintings of the life of Saint Matthew the Evangelist.

Pastoral Care of the Dying: Church Teaching on End-of-Life Issues
Monsignor Anthony Frontiero, STD, presents the first of a two-part series concerning Death: The Final Act of Faith. Part one is entitled, “Pastoral Care of the Dying: Church Teaching on End-of-Life Issues”.

Life in Christ Series: Part 1 of 4
Msgr. Anthony Frontiero, pastor of St Matthew Catholic Church, presents a series of lectures on the life of Jesus entitled “Life in Christ”.

Parish Mission
St Matthew Parish is hosting a Parish Mission directed by Fr. Bill Garrott, OP, who is presenting on ‘iMercy: The Divine Hotspot’. The three-night event is October 17-19.

Bible Study: "Matthew: The King and His Kingdom"
Matthew: The King and His Kingdom, our new Bible study, explores how Jesus is challenging and empowering us to a new level of holiness and shows how we must be thoroughly immersed in the kingdom of heaven on earth, the Church, to live it.

“A True Story Worth Telling, A Catholic Story Worth Hearing”
Learn how former slave James Augustine Healy became the first African American bishop in the United States and the second bishop of the Diocese of Portland (Maine) in this lecture by archivist Barbara Miles.