St Matthew’s blog
DR 18 Mission: Updates from the Island
pro-life action needed: upcoming hearings in the State House
Catholic support to Turkey and Syria
Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule
requiescat in pace, Pope Benedict XVI
resources regarding the death of Pope Benedict XVI
A Christmas Message from our Pastor
“We are now children of God in the most wonderful way; and we never have to wander in darkness again, because we have the Source of Light, who is Jesus Himself!”
Christmas Mass Schedule
notes on music during Advent
Music Director Eric Berthiaume explains the motives for changes in liturgical music during the season of Advent.
Italy Pilgrimage: Updates from the Road
St Matthew’s Pilgrimage to Italy is underway! As they travel and pray throughout Italy’s holiest sites, our pilgrims will be sending daily updates back home, all of which will be shared here.
Bible Study: "Matthew: The King and His Kingdom"
“Matthew: The King and His Kingdom”, our new Bible study, explores how Jesus is challenging and empowering us to a new level of holiness and shows how we must be thoroughly immersed in the kingdom of heaven on earth, the Church, to live it.
Parishioner Claire McGarry featured in Parable Magazine
Parishioner and author Claire McGarry was featured in Parable magazine’s Sept-Oct 2022 issue.
Parish Mission: ‘iMercy: The Divine Hotspot’
St Matthew Parish is hosting a Parish Mission directed by Fr. Bill Garrott, OP, who is presenting on “iMercy: The Divine Hotspot”. The iMercy mission aims to help parishioners enter more deeply into the love of the Holy Trinity and experience God’s merciful touch through the sacraments. The three-night event is October 17-19.
Reflection on Interning at St Matthew
Saint Matthew summer intern Kathryn Williams reflects on her work at the parish.
Windham Knights of Columbus Raise Funds for St Francis of Assisi School
On July 13, 2022, the Knights of Columbus Windham Council 7572 presented a check for $15,000 to Saint Francis of Assisi School in Litchfield.
BLAZE: A Ministry for Tween & Teen Girls
BLAZE is the Walking with Purpose ministry for girls in 6-9th grade. The mission of BLAZE is to use Scripture to speak truth into the hearts of young girls who are bombarded by lies about their true worth and beauty.
Car Wash Fundraiser for Windham Teen with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Meet our Seminarian in Summer Residence
Upcoming Events by The Apostolate for Holy Relics
The Importance of Dressing for the Occasion
A gentle reminder regarding attire as we begin the summer months